Life expenses add up really quickly. Increasing your income is awesome if you can, but you can’t count on getting a promotion at work or finding a new job. You can, however, change how you’re spending your paycheck. Being more mindful of where your expenses are going can help you …
Read MoreThinking about retiring and living off your savings can be intimidating. While you might not want to think that far in the future, it’s important that you have a plan for what you’re going to do when the day comes that you want (or need) to retire. Even if you …
Read MoreWhen your paycheck gets deposited in your account, it can be tempting to turn around and blow a ton of your money on random stuff. After all, it’s your money, why shouldn’t you get to enjoy it? However, this is a way to quickly let your spending get out from …
Read MoreIt may sound crazy to think that you can save money when you’re already living paycheck to paycheck. But chances are, there’s some money being spent that shouldn’t be. Let’s take a look and see where you can make some cuts and how to increase your savings. Here are some …
Read MoreWith inflation at its highest mark in nearly 40 years, at essentially 7%, it’s harder than it’s been in almost half a century to stretch your dollar, and Dave Ramsey offers 7 warnings on what NOT to do with your money. Don’t buy the stuff you don’t need Don’t try …
Read MoreIf you’re ready to get your personal budget on track, it’s time to make some resolutions and stick to them. Protect Your Family Start putting cash away into an emergency fund. Make sure you have great health insurance so that an illness doesn’t wipe you out financially. Check that your …
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