It may sound crazy to think that you can save money when you’re already living paycheck to paycheck. But chances are, there’s some money being spent that shouldn’t be. Let’s take a look and see where you can make some cuts and how to increase your savings. Here are some of the top ways you can save some money even when you’re struggling to make ends meet.
It’s time to take a long, hard look at your subscriptions. Do you subscribe to some random streaming platforms that you never use? Cut them! Maybe you even have a few that you watch for a couple of hours every week. Cut those, too! There’s plenty of great, free entertainment. If you’re seriously broke and need to save money, get those extraneous expenses out of there.
Instead, consider visiting your local library. It’s totally free, and your taxes cover you. Most libraries have tons of DVDs archived for visitors. You can check out awesome books, and classic movies, you name it. Maybe they won’t have the most up-to-date TV or movies, but you certainly won’t be bored.
The world’s a rough place, and you need cash. We get it. Try a side hustle if your main gig isn’t covering everything. Maybe you’ve got some spare time to drive for a food delivery app. You could consider babysitting or dog walking. Maybe you’ve got a lawnmower and neighbors who need their grass cut.
There are tons of side-gigs out there that can help put a little extra cash in your pocket. If you keep at these and try to save what you make, you could start to fill up a nice little savings account. Speaking of savings accounts…
Don’t just save cash under a mattress. While this is a cute way to hold on to your savings, they don’t work for you this way. Instead, consider opening a high-interest savings account. That way, your savings will accrue you a bit of interest. You may need to find a new bank to get a better interest rate, but that should be easy.
Remember, it doesn’t take much to start saving. A few small changes here and there can yield some massive results. Any money saved should be considered a big win for you.