The Finance WatchThe Finance Watch

How to avoid committing tax fraud

Logan Meyers

Tax fraud by tax filers can occur with exaggerations that stretch deductions, full-on lies about expenses, or a mistake by the tax preparer that is still your responsibility. Here’s what you need to know to avoid getting into trouble. How to avoid committing tax fraud and want to know about …

Stocks mixed as top strategist sees slump coming and more financial news

Logan Meyers

Stocks mixed, Treasuries up, Oil down, Google shares slump, Gold gains against US dollar dip, Top investment strategist sees stock slump coming, Car companies competing to offer $25,000 EVs, and more financial news. Stocks mixed on Monday, treasuries up, oil down Stocks were mixed in early trading on Monday, with …

Help! Experts answer the most urgent tax questions

Logan Meyers

Here is expert advice from tax professionals and CPAs as they answer some of the most urgent questions taxpayers have each year, with the latest updates for 2023. The most urgent tax questions Here is a list of the 10 most common and urgent questions taxpayers asked from a variety …

Late Taxes: What You Need to Know Before Filing

Logan Meyers

If you think you are not going to be able to file your taxes on time, doing nothing is not an option. Here is what you need to know to avoid getting penalized by the IRS, which could cost you much more than you owe. If you’re going to miss …

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